
Sunday, October 13, 2013

I used to be the messiest person ever. I found it very difficult to keep up with school when I crammed everything into one folder, my bag was always messy, and my room was chaotic. It's the worst way to live. Being orianized has made my life ten times easier. Sometimes my desk gets a bit untidy, but I quickly clean it. It is safe to say I'm becoming a huge neat freak. Every weekend I move all of my furniture around to properly sweep and mop my floors.

For my classes I have three individual folders. Each have dividers to create sections where I can store my notes, homework, and quizzes. I also like to buy sheet protectors to place my syllabi in because they are important and I need them all quarter. I have planner which reminds of what I need to do every week, and what classes I don't have to go to. I also write quiz dates, appointments, and midterm dates.
For very important dates I will also set reminders on Evernote and my Calendar on my cell phone. I like to keep individual notebooks for keeping notes when I run out of paper and writing rough drafts of essay or journal questions. Sometimes I scribble blog posts as well.

I have finally organized a majority of my makeup into containers. I really want to get clear acrylic drawers, but for now these will do. I finally have some where to put all of my brushes so I am not constantly losing them or misplacing them.  I've separated my favorite products from the rest of my makeup for easier access. Now I do not have to rummage through my entire collection. I like having them out on top of my drawer so when someone walks in they can see it (show off much?). I'm very proud of my ever growing collection. I've also cleared out old makeup that could no longer be used because I've had it for too long.

                                                   How do you stay organized? 
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  1. Lovely post :)
    I always make it a new years resolution to stay more organised, but I always fall back into old, messy habits!
    Sarah xx

  2. Im loving this blog, I've started to read it a lot more regularly! Keep up the great work hun.

    Everything is much easier when you know where everything is!x

    Now following you, hope you get the chance to check out my blog xx
    Jess xx

  3. I'm glad you've organized your stuff in that very neat manner. I'm also very neat-freak and OC as they say. What can they do? It's easier that way, haha! :) Keep it up!

    REAlity Bites

  4. Love the way you store everything. Especially you makeup!

  5. I love how you store your make up. I love knowing where all my make up is - I'm constantly re-organizing it!


  6. I organize my make up in drawers, which is good but i don't recommend it for people who have too much make up, because the tiny drawers don't fit as much as for example a couple of make up bags.

  7. great post! love it!

    Would you like to follow each other on GFC?

  8. Wow, this is really cool the way you organize everything! I still am not sure how to organize most of my life (especially makeup) but I do try to stay super organized with school related things because I'm so scared of missing important dates and what not. I'd also be interested in seeing how you organize your shoes/closet :)

    P.S. I absolutely love your blog layout- it's so pretty!

    1. Thank you! I've been trying to keep my life under control and this seems to be working. I'll be doing a post in the future on how I organize my closet :) x


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