Origins Super Spot Remover

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Blemishes love to make various unwanted appearances on my face. That is my only skin problem, spots! They just randomly show up, and make me feel insecure because I don't usually have breakouts. Since I have been trying to up my skin regime I decided to pick up this product because it has been very hyped, and I just really want to try a product by Origin (what a great reason....*eyeroll*).

Origins Super Spot Remover contains Salicylic Acid which essentially helps to clean and exfoliate skin cells. It is efficient against a blemish because it penetrates the spot unclogging it causing it to clear up. A small amount goes a long way while using this product. I find myself barely squeezing the bottle and using a tiny pint size drop. When I use it, I feel a tiny burning sensation that quickly calms down. It depends what type of spot I am dealing with. If the spot hurts within a few hours the pain calms down as well as the size. I prefer to use it during the night time because once it is applied you can sort of see the gel on my face. It is a really got spot remover, I wish the bottle was bigger (I was horrified when I first saw it). I highly recommend trying this little bad guy out if your looking for a new spot treatment.
Let me know of any other spot removers you've tried?


  1. You should! It's a great product xx

  2. I've been meaning to buy this for ages now, it's so cute haha! I'm absolutely loving your blog:) followed x

    Cerys x

  3. It is aha so tiny! I think its great for annoyingly huge zits that need to disappear asap! Thank you for the follow lovely! xx


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